An unbiased view from the ground up.
ASET provides companies with Special Agents trained to conduct long and short term covert investigations from within the client’s organization.
Agents are trained to recognize and submit unbiased reports to the client concerning any internal violations of corporate policies and violations of civil and criminal law that are being committed by employees such as sexual harassment, discrimination, sabotage, espionage, theft, and fraud.
Operations are also coordinated with federal and local law enforcement agencies to identify employees with substance abuse problems and target drug dealers operating on company premises.
ASET was founded on the belief that by providing effective education and training to employees, corporations will greatly reduce occurrences of employee substance abuse, workplace violence, employee theft, and sexual harassment.
ASET Education Consultants provide on-site seminars that train managers, supervisors, and general employees to recognize problems and properly document them.
Education Consultants also train members of management to create and proactively implement polices to reduce future instances of employee drug use and other violations of corporate policies.